YuGiOh Fan Characters Wiki
Valrin Val's younger brother
English Valrin
Japanese Valerian
Kanji カノコソウ
Alternate Names Light Magician Boy
Anime Debut Yu-Gi-Oh! Episode: The Queen's Promise Part 1
Gender Male

Anicent Egypt

Voice Actor
  • Jonathan Todd Ross - English
  • Akiko Kimura - Japanese

Valrin is another childhood friend of Queen Akemi and is the youngest son and brother of Priest Shiroi and Valkyrin. He is also Priest Shiroi's student in light egyptian magic, contrasting with Mana, Mahad's student in dark egyptian magic.

He is a light-hearted, open, playful and caring boy, who shares a deep bond between his, brother, mother and Akemi. He is voiced by Jonathan Todd Ross in the English dub, while Akiko Kimura takes the role in the Japanese version.

It should be noted that both Valrin and Mana both exist at the same time as each other.


Like his fellow apprentice Mana, and his brother Valkyrin, Valrin's design is based on "Light Magician Boy". The outfit is a little different but his face figures are quite the same. He has blue eyes and short goldenrod hair.


Valrin is a young teenage magician in training at the Dawn of the Duel arc's beginning who serves the priest Shiroi, who is also his mother. Yugi and the gang first see him practicing with Mana to summon the Red Eyes Black Dragon, which Joey comments on with shock, alerting the two Egyptian apprentices. After Shiroi's death, he swears to protect his queen and brother and to become a great magician along with his brother's side and eventually is able to summon his own Ka, the "Light Magician Boy". Later (in the anime) when Yugi's gang properly introduces themselves to him and Mana, June explains about the card game back home commenting on him reference to Light Magician Boy. Valrin later helps them to defeat Zorc. He is one of the people in the Millennium World who could see Yugi and his friends.

Akemi and Valrin

Akemi and Valrin

Monster Spirits



The two apprentices get along very well, almost to a romantic degree. They constantly train together in secret, and have even formed their own Ka, Red Eyes B. Dragon.


Valrin is childhood friends with Akemi.


Valrin respects Atem quite a lot.
